Louisiana and Texas DUI Stats Couldn’t Be Further Apart
Driving Under the Influence is one of the major causes of auto accidents and deaths every year in the USA. The year 2020, being the first of the COVID pandemic, shows a clear trend shift when it comes to drunk driving fatalities. And between the neighboring states of Louisiana and Texas, when it comes to the the DUI numbers, one state is headed in the right direction and the other ranks as one of the worst.
Everybody seems to agree, the roads in Texas are top notch, seemingly new and smooth. In Louisiana, well, let's just say our highways have more character.
Louisiana and Texas Compared
But when it comes to the DUI numbers for the two states, it's just the opposite. According to a study just released by the driver's education site Zuboti, Texas ranks 5th worst in America, while Louisiana, rotten roads and all, ranks as the 14th best.
Louisiana and Texas DUI Stats
To find the 2020 data of arrested drivers driving under the influence, Zuboti used two major metrics: The FBI's persons-arrested-data and alcohol-impaired crash data obtained from the National Highway Traffic & Safety Administration.
From those they were able to determine DUI arrests per 100,000 drivers (Louisiana 110, Texas 316), DUI fatalities per 100,000 drivers (Louisiana 6.8, Texas 8.5) and DUI fatalities as a percentage of all road fatalities (Louisiana .28, Texas .38).
From all of the statistics, each state was assigned a DUI Severity Score and Louisiana was at 44.4, Texas 64.4, with the lower score the better.
Best - and Worst - In the USA
As an added note, the states with Zuboti's worst DUI numbers are Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming. The safest three are Delaware, Massachusetts and New York
To see the complete Zuboti study, including a complete list of best and worst states, drunk driving by age groups and DUI fatalities through the years, JUST CLICK HERE!