Who Are the Highest Paid Police Officers in Shreveport?
SHREVEPORT, LA - Police departments all across Louisiana are facing a shortage of officers. This is a nationwide shortage. Shreveport is down by about 140 officers and that does not include all of the officers out on leave for medical or administrative reasons. The city is also dealing with a rush to retirement for many officers at the high end of the pay scale.
KEEL News requested the list of salaries for all officers working in the city and found we have dozens of officers with more than 25 years of service who are eligible to retire at any time.
The salaries of these police department employees went up last year with the 13% across the board pay raise for all Shreveport city workers, but police and firefighters also get annual increases and higher dollars from state supplemental pay.
Many of the candidates for Governor have said they want to do more to increase pay for police officers in the state. But communities stress that mandate would have to come with dollars since many cities don't have the money to offer the higher pay.
Highest Paid Shreveport Police Employees
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