Free EBT? California R&B Artist Chapter Jackson Talks About Welfare Abuse [INTERVIEW]
The recent 'feeding frenzy' at the Springhill and Mansfield Walmarts have sparked outrage about people abusing the food stamp system by taking advantage of Walmart's good will.
But two years ago, California musician Chapter Jackson put a music video on YouTube entitled 'EBT' the described how some people in California take advantage of the welfare system there.
Jackson describes how some people abuse the food stamp system by having kids to get government benefits. She also talks about what benefits many in California get: food stamps for fast food, housing vouchers, and daycare subsidies.
"They have a life program so you can get benefits on your phone and your electricity. So, you actually benefit from not working if you have a lot of children," Jackson told KEEL Morning News. "If you are a single person, it doesn't really benefit you much because if you have children, you get Section 8 free housing, free medical, free cash, free food."
And not just your run of the mill produce and bare necessities food.
"You can go to KFC, you can go to Pizza Hut, if you are on the hot food program," Jackson explained. "You can go to your local liquor store and the person behind the counter can ring up for chips and candy, but they are actually selling you liquor."
Jackson said in a YouTube video that what often happens is recipients have a friend be their "daycare" to receive those subsidies.
And while many would have no problem living on the government's dime, the R&B artist and poet has serious concerns about those dependent on the system.
"The system is not free. I am enslaved to the system," Jackson told 710 KEEL. "If the benefits are cut off, what are we going to do?"
Chapter Jackson tells listeners what they should do rather than have kids and live off Uncle Sam.
"It's not really helping you. You make so much more happen if you elevate and say 'I want more for myself because I deserve more for myself,'" Jackson advised.
The musician says the music video is satire, but is meant to address societal issues. Other music videos has her talking about issues like using Craigslist for prostitution.
Do you think that more should be done to reduce welfare fraud?