Erin Shares Touching Memories of Her Dad for Father’s Day
I want to say Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. It's time to celebrate the many great fathers in the world.
It's easy for most of us to say we have the greatest dad in the world. But mine would give just about any dad a run for his money. My pops was a war hero. He fought in WWII and was awarded a Bronze Star for saving fellow Marines under heavy enemy gun fire. This happened when my dad was just 19-years-old. Think about that. A teenager saving lives and fighting to protect our freedom.
But that's not the man I knew. He never once talked to me about his days in the Marines. The only time anything close every came up was when he would talk about how beautiful the South Pacific was. Imagine that. You see brutal fighting, but you still take the time to take in the beauty surrounding you.
My dad was just that, a dad. He worked hard, but he also loved hard. Every morning when he was home, my father would bring my mother coffee in bed. He knew she was not a morning person so he would brew the coffee and serve her every day. He would gently tap the spoon on the side of the cup to let her know it was time to get up. I can still hear the echo of that spoon tapping on the coffee cup.
But that same love was also evident in everything he did for me and my brothers. We each thought we were his favorite, but really I was. On Saturdays, dad would get up and make a big batch of his biscuits and we would each grab a couple when we got up. I always got the biggest ones, because I was like my dad. I was an early riser. Everyone else slept til at least 10 on weekends.
Take a minute to enjoy your time with dad this weekend. Some of us would give anything to get one more dad hug. I write a letter every year to my dad. Here's the letter for 2021.
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