Here’s All the Stuff You May Have Trouble Getting in Louisiana Over the Next Few Months
If it seems like most of the products you buy are made in China, that's because they probably are. In fact, a recently released Global Imports Report says that China is the leading importer by the USA, accounting for more than 40% of all shipped goods.
Here are more startling numbers. Last year China sent about $540 billion in goods to the US. Meanwhile, we shipped a paltry $120 billion over there.
And we in Louisiana are just as dependent on Chinese goods as anybody. We in the Pelican State don't import as much more populous states like California or Texas, but our oil, gas and agriculture industries lean heavily on Chinese goods.
Which is why the stories of cargo ships facing a four week backlog to unload in Los Angeles and New York City harbors should be of concern to everyone. From clothes to electronics (anybody need a computer chip?) to machinery, we depend on the Chinese for our day-to-day living...well, perhaps just a little to much.
Things That May Be In Short Supply in Louisiana...and Soon
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