Caddo Sheriff Saves Puppies and Momma Dog from Busy Roadway
This story will probably make you smile and that is something we can all use today.
It starts off with something that happened to me on Wednesday morning. I spotted a small dog on the on-ramp to get onto I-20 west from Spring Street in Shreveport at about 4:30am. This pup was on the inside shoulder of this long ramp. I realized this was a pup after I zoomed by. It was too late to stop. I spent much of the morning the dog managed to get to safety.
Fast foward to a few hours later and I was telling my story to Caddo Parish Sheriff Steve Prator who tells me his story of recently stopping to rescue a momma dog and her 3 puppies. This happened on Lakeshore Extension near South Lakeshore Drive where he saw these adorable puppies and their momma in the middle of the road. He quickly pulled over and scooped them up. One of these pups has already been adopted, but the others are still up for grabs at the Caddo Animal Shelter.
If you are interested in adopting these puppies, you can get in touch with Caddo Animal Control at 318 225-6624.
By the way, the sheriff tells me I did the right thing in not trying to stop on the interstate on ramp so early in the morning. He says that could have been so dangerous.
Again, if you want more information about the puppies Sheriff Prator rescued, give Caddo Animal Services a call at (318) 226-6624 or you can click here to find out about adopting a dog for your family.
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