Alligator Spotted Near a Shreveport Public Swimming Pool
A big surprise for folks trying to take a dip in the pool at Southern Hills Park and Community Center.
With the summer coming to a close, everyone seems to be trying to take a final dip in our community's public pools... And I mean EVERYONE!
Early Thursday (8/1/24) morning, people were gathering in the parking lot of the Southern Hills pool, when they noticed an unexpected guest. A close to 6 foot alligator was spotted crawling around near the fence.
It's not yet known if the gator wanted to take a swim in the pool, or was chasing down some breakfast, or BOTH. But, SPD was called to the scene of the pool to remove the unruly guest from the premises.
With the help of some local reptile experts, Caddo Parish Animal Services was able to capture and relocate the scaly beast to a safe location where gators are allowed to swim. The pool at Southern Hills Park and Community Center was opened once it could be guaranteed that it was alligator-free.
Alligators are very common here in the Bayou State, so this isn't a new problem. Every Summer animal control is called out around the state to take care of alligators and snakes in public and private pools.
This just seems to be one of those issues that only Louisiana and Florida have to deal with. But, thankfully that just means we know how to solve the problem in a quick and easy fashion.
If you have an alligator-related issue, just give the Shreveport Police Department a call and say "I GOT GATORS!!"
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