SHREVEPORT, LA - Do you ever get asked to do something you really don't know how to do? Well, this is just that. I looked at my calendar earlier this year and realized I started on the air in Shreveport on May 4, 1984. That's 40 years ago. I really can't believe I have been allowed to do something I love for decades.

What Has Changed Over the Years?

It would take so long to go over that list, but when I started working in this very same building so many years ago, I wrote news scripts on a manual typewriter and we had AP teletype machines. We used cassette players to record news events. And that's just the beginning. Computers ultimately changed the game and we all had to adjust each time a new technology came into place. I did ok with the changes.

This is much more than a radio job these days. We now have websites and are responsible for digital content. That's part of the job this "old dog" has embraced and I love bringing you stories that you care about and want to know about.

So Many People to Thank

It would be a huge mistake to begin naming people here because I would forget so many people. But I do want to thank the people who trusted a 22 year old green news reporter to step in and work on the air for KWKH AM and KROK FM in 1984. I learned so much working for that amazing team.

Thanks to All the Sales Folks

But I really want to thank a group of people who never get all the love all the on air folks get. Over these past 4 decades I have worked with so many amazing sales people who have to deal with rejection as they try to convince business owners and ad agencies to spend money with us. These sales folks have made it possible for me to keep doing this amazing job.

I also want to thank all the managers and support staff folks I have worked with over the years. They have tolerated my impulsive actions. If something is not working right, I am that employee. I like to have things right. I'm probably an irritant to some.

More Thank Yous

And to the listeners and community leaders, I can not say thank you enough. If you are a listener, I know we don't agree on everything, but I try to bring you stories and topics that are important to our community. We also try to have a little fun, too. To all the local leaders, thanks for indulging me. I know I can be annoying at times, but most are always open to answer my questions and try to bring light to the stories that our community cares about.

What's Next for Me?

I am not going anywhere. As long as they keep paying me, I will still be around. I told my amazing boss the other day she's gonna probably have to haul me out of here to get rid of me.

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See some of the craziness over the years.

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