20 Years Ago Today: Mick Foley Became A Legend
On this day, 20 years ago, everything changed...forever.
20 years ago today, a man named Mick Foley enshrined himself in the hearts and minds of fans across the globe.
June 28th, 1998...Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...WWF's King Of The Ring...Undertaker vs. Mankind in Hell In The Cell.
Mick Foley flew 20 feet through the air, crashed into an announce desk, got carted off, came back to the ring, climbed the cage, got thrown through the cage roof, 12 feet onto the mat and a metal chair, kept going, emptied a bag of thumbtacks into the ring, got repeatedly slammed into them, finished the match.
That day, Mick Foley became one of the most loved professional wrestlers of all time. Fans from all over the world sat in awe of what this man was willing and able to do to himself for our entertainment.
This was the height of pro wrestling popularity, their golden era, and Mick had just become one of the most beloved figures of wrestling's most important time.
20 years ago today, everyone fell in love with Mick.
In 50 days, we all get a chance to tell Mick how much that moment meant to us, and how we appreciate what he's done. In 50 days, Mick Foley will be live in Shreveport, in the same year we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of his Hell In A Cell Match with The Undertaker.
Come meet Mick Foley this year: https://www.eventelf.com/events/876/tickets/new
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