There has been a lot of talk about forgiving student loan debt. But the price tag might be too high for all of the debt to be erased. And there's lots of opposition to President Joe Biden's plan.

But I'm all for what's happening in East Texas. An anonymous donor has stepped up to wipe out the student debt of all of the seniors graduating this year at Wiley College in Marshall, Texas.

Wiley College was founded in 1873. It is a Historically Black College (HBCU). The college is a "premier liberal arts institution, affiliated with the United Methodist Church, with an intentional focus on social good and leadership."

More than 100 graduates at the ceremony on Saturday were told an anonymous donor had paid their balances. The price tag for this amazing donation topped more than $300,000 dollars.

You might remember this is the college featured in the 2007 movie “The Great Debaters” starring Denzel Washington. The movie was in honor of the 1935 debate team from Wiley who beat the University of Southern California's nationally-known debate team. And the Wiley team accomplished this feat during a time when our colleges and our nation was heavily segregated.

No information has been released about who this generous donor is.

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