Viral Videos of Downtown Shreveport Causing Major Concerns
Video hit Facebook over the weekend of a crowded Downtown Shreveport. The videos seem to be taking place on Travis Street where several bars and clubs are located.
These incidents which took place on Friday (5/5/23) night in to early Saturday morning, have grabbed the attention of members of our local government. People in the video can be seen blocking traffic while dancing in the streets as well as climbing on vehicles trying to use the roadway.
This disturbing video has made the rounds on social media garnering thousands of views. One of those views just happened to be Councilman Grayson Boucher, who posted the video along with this statement.
"So many of you have reached out to me about these videos. Yes this is in Downtown Shreveport and yes this was this weekend, this incident occurred late Friday night early Saturday morning. This is the second such event in the past six months. We have so many people working so hard to make Downtown Shreveport an attractive, fun, vibrant part of our city. To have a few people and businesses allowing this mess to happen is so unfair for the rest of our LAW ABIDING community.
It’s time for the Mayor and the Police Chief to enforce the noise ordinances that have been the root of this issues for months. It’s time for the fire chief and fire marshal to enforce occupancy ordinances in these bars. Come on. We can do better than this.I’ve contacted Chief Smith more than once about this disgraceful behavior. Not a dang thing has been done.It’s time to get this crap under control. Everyone of these people in the street should have been arrested for blocking a state highway.I want every citizen to enjoy our downtown and to have fun. But this isn’t Dodge City 1885.
Mayor and Chief let’s get this tended to ASAP."
And, Councilman Boucher isn't the only one outraged. Many took to social media to decry this behavior and express disgust. No word yet on if the Mayor and Police representatives will comment on this incident, but it's clear that something has to be done.
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