Here are the Perfect Ways to Ruin a Romantic Valentine’s Dinner

When it comes to relationships, you're a pro at self-destruction. Here are just a few of the hilarious things you should try to avoid to try and enjoy your Valentine's Day dinner date and preserve your relationship!
Why is Valentine's Day so stressful?
Guys, Valentine's Day is this Tuesday and it's really easy to emerge from the holiday a big winner. Just don't screw it up! Here's the deal, you don't have to spend a lot of money. Heck! You don't have to spend a dime, but what you do have to do is show us that you care and that you put some thought into the day.
Try spending some time with us. After all, you choose us so we can't be all that bad. And by 'spend time with us' I don't mean you in your recliner watching TV. Make plans to go to the park, you don't even have to pack a picnic basket. It's easy enough to stop by Subway on the way!
How about a nice, handwritten letter telling her how much you care? I promise you, it'll get you way more points than a generic card that you sign from the grocery store at the last minute. Have you ever thought of picking her a bouquet of flowers instead of ordering some? Hmmm.
What about going to dinner and NOT spending the entire meal getting the latest scores on your phone or checking Insta?
Those are just a few ideas for you off of the top of my head gentleman. Please note, if she says she doesn't want anything for Valentine's Day, that doesn't give you permission to blow off the holiday. It just means she doesn't want you to buy her anything extravagant. You should still treat her like the queen she is!
And oh yeah, don't do any of the things in the video above. That would be bad!