Thousands Could Get the Boot from Nursing Homes
Because of the uncertainty with the state budget, thousands of seniors and nursing home residents will start getting notices this week telling them that they will have to move out of facilities on July first.
Senator Greg Tarver tells KEEL federal law requires notices to go out 30 days in advance of any funding change. Many nursing home residents in Louisiana who rely on medicaid to pay for their care and treatment at nursing homes in the state will have their assistance cut if the lawmakers don't cover funding for those programs.
Mark Berger from the Louisiana Nursing Home Association says many of the people receiving the notices can't receive home treatment or are at the age that they have no home to go to. Governor John Bel Edwards hopes lawmakers will find funding for health care programs during the coming special session.
The Department of Health is mailing out notices to 37,000 mostly elderly residents of nursing homes who could lose Medicaid coverage under a House passed budget. The House backed spending plan slashes hundreds of millions in healthcare spending. LDH Deputy Secretary Michelle Alletto says anyone who receives the letter needs to act fast and apply for other programs.
But Baton Rouge Senator Regina Barrow tells the Louisiana Radio Network the letters are likely to create a panic. She is concerned because Louisiana doesn't have many other programs left to help these people.
The Senate Finance is expected to begin working on a budget bill this week.
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