Why Is There a Giant Rooster Statue in Downtown Shreveport?Why Is There a Giant Rooster Statue in Downtown Shreveport?Shreveport is an odd place with a lot of odd items...including a giant rooster statue. Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
Piece of Shreveport History UnearthedPiece of Shreveport History UnearthedThis is pretty awesome! Matt ParkerMatt Parker
Groundbreaking Today for New Distillery, Entertainment ComplexGroundbreaking Today for New Distillery, Entertainment ComplexDowntown Shreveport is about to get an awesome new facility. Matt ParkerMatt Parker
How Does a Millennial See Shreveport?How Does a Millennial See Shreveport?Matt Parker is in that group and he runs down how he sees the city. Matt ParkerMatt Parker
Hilarious ‘Official’ Tag Placed on Downtown Graffiti Art [PHOTOS]Hilarious ‘Official’ Tag Placed on Downtown Graffiti Art [PHOTOS]I gotta be honest, I thought this encouraging message came from the city of Shreveport at first...Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Large Amount of Pot Found on Greyhound Bus in ShreveportLarge Amount of Pot Found on Greyhound Bus in ShreveportOver 20 pounds of marijuana was found on the bus. Matt ParkerMatt Parker
Downtown Shreveport Mystery Pruner Strikes Again!Downtown Shreveport Mystery Pruner Strikes Again!If you know who this good-natured, badly trained, amateur arborist is - let them know that the city would love to speak with them about their techniqueBrandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Urban Film Festival Set for Downtown ShreveportUrban Film Festival Set for Downtown ShreveportThis festival will showcase fantastic films that don't have the benefit of huge budgets, giant stars, and multi-million dollar marketing campaigns.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Community Clean Up Planned For Shreveport Dog ParkCommunity Clean Up Planned For Shreveport Dog ParkThe city needs a hand getting the park cleaned up after flooding.Matt ParkerMatt Parker
Mudbug Madness Kicks off Today!Mudbug Madness Kicks off Today!If you have a place in your heart for Louisiana's best food, music, and fun - don't miss it! Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael