Surge Pricing on the Way to Louisiana Fast Food

If you're not familiar with what "surge pricing" is, here's a recap for you. It's actually a common practice among car services like Lyft and Uber. The rate for travel will increase during busier peak times, and prices will be lower during slower times.
Well now, fast-food burger chain Wendy's locations throughout Louisiana and the United States is going to introduce surge-pricing beginning in 2025 when they roll out new digital menu boards at its drive throughs.
Having digital menu boards will allow Wendy's to be able to easily change prices anytime. In other words, Wendy's will be adjusting pricing depending on how busy they are and to promote certain items.
According to the Dallas Morning News, surge pricing is gaining some momentum among restaurant operators.
Surge pricing, while common with ride-sharing services and hotels, has yet to become a widespread practice in the restaurant industry, but the concept is gaining interest among restaurant operators.
Britain’s largest pub company, Stonegate Group, implemented surge pricing last year, according to The New York Times. At 800 of the company’s 4,000 pubs, a pint of beer could now cost about 20 pence (25 cents) more on weekends and evenings to help offset increased costs during peak hours.
The Dallas Morning News also reported that the CEO of Lyft has said that customers aren't fans of surge pricing and it's something their company is looking to get rid of.
Meanwhile, Wendy's believes that surge pricing will be welcomed by their customers and that such pricing will be more competitive in the market with surge pricing.
If Wendy's is successful with surge pricing, don't be surprised if other fast food companies turn to the model as a way to stay competitive and make more during the busy hours.
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