Will Shreveport Leaders Listen to Their Own Expert?
A final vote could come this week on recycling for Shreveport. The council is considering a measure to lift the required surety bond for C. Edwards Concepts, the company in line to get the 10 million dollar contract.
But the city's Risk Manager, Richard Hunter waved the red flag over this change. He says "why would the city take on this much risk and expose public taxpayers to this type of risk? I do find there have been several judgments and liens against this person from the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Louisiana."
Hunter says he did a financial background check and found that the entity owns no property, owns only a 2013 Lexus SUV, has no garage facilities, has no trucks, has nothing.
Hunter also told the council "looking at the financial health of this company, I could not in my right my mind as a steward of the city recommend waiving the insurance for this vendor."
How Much Is Recycling Contract Worth?
C. Edwards Concepts would be paid $1.9 million dollars a year over five years to handle recycling for the city of Shreveport. They were the only company to bid on this project. But the owner, Charlotte Edwards did tell the council earlier this month this contract was drawn up more than a year ago and she alluded to the fact that prices have gone up and she might not be able to handle the job for this same amount.
She is planning to buy trucks and hire workers and then transport the recyclables to Kilgore, Texas. But when she agreed to take on this project, gas prices were about $2.00 a gallon cheaper.