Shreveport Has $140 Million in Water and Sewer Needs
SHREVEPORT, LA - The Bond Study Committee appointed by the Mayor has been hearing about all of the infrastructure needs in our community. During this week's meeting, leaders from the Water and Sewer Department brought a hefty list of proposed improvements.
These improvements range from improvements to our drinking water system, new water lines in some neighborhoods, to sewer improvements to new water towers. The total price tag for water and sewer projects rings in at a whopping $100 million dollars.
What Are the Items on the Water and Sewer Needs List?
Amiss Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Intake Structure: $6,000,000
The existing intake structure that is located in Cross Lake, approximately 100 yards from the WTP property, is approximately 60 years old and has significant mechanical and structural concerns. This intake is the only raw water intake from Cross Lake that feeds the Amiss Water Treatment Plant. The Amiss Water Treatment Plant provides water to the entire City of Shreveport; treating a daily average of approximately 40 million gallons per day (MGD) with peak days averaging more than 60 MGD in the summer months. This project will add a new intake structure for a redundant raw water feed to meet future demands.
Amiss Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Transmission Main Rehabilitation: $4,000,000
The water lines throughout the City are fed by transmission mains that originate at the WTP. Two of these transmission mains are parallel 24-inch water lines that provide drinking water to approximately 60% of the City. These parallel 24-inch water lines and associated valves are leaking and require replacement.
Amiss Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Hi / Lo Building: $6,000,000
This building has been part of the WTP process since the WTP started operation. Its purpose has changed over time, but significant water lines in the WTP run through it. The building has old pumps that need to be replaced and will be the location of new process equipment to aid in water treatment. This project includes refurbishing equipment inside the building, adding new process equipment and replacing the old mezzanine floor to allow room for the new equipment.
Amiss Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Valve Replacement: $4,000,000
There are numerous valves ranging from 8-inches to 60-inches in diameter that require replacement at the WTP. Many of these valves are seventy (70) years old and have reached the end of their useful service life. These valves are needed to isolate pumps and process equipment for maintenance and for proper operation of the WTP.
New Elevated Storage Towers: $20,000,000
Elevated storage in the drinking water system provides available water for maintaining water pressures, meeting daily water demands and using for fire suppression. The high temperatures over the summer have emphasized a need to have more elevated storage in the drinking water system to meet the future available water needs for the City. This project will construct 2 new water towers in the City drinking water system to improve overall pressures in the City and provide fire protection to meet minimum industry standards.
Citywide Lift Station Improvements: $21,000,000
The City has more than 130 lift stations throughout the City. Many of these lift stations require improvements or replacement of the mechanical, structural, and electrical equipment to provide reliable service to the areas they serve. Due to their condition, the City often has to rent equipment to keep the lift stations operational. This project will provide these improvements to more than 20 lift stations and update the lift stations to meet future sewerage flows. The location of these lift stations is spread throughout the City.
Querbes Lift Station: $12,000,000
This lift station, located on the edge of the Querbes Golf Course, serves the South Highland Area and contributes to approximately 20% of the sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) that the City reports to the US Environmental Protection Agency and LA Department of Environmental Quality. This project will upgrade both the mechanical and electrical equipment and increase the capacity of the lift station and surrounding gravity sewers to convey sewer flows that it receives during wet weather events reducing SSOs in the area.
Lift Station Generators: $10,000,000
Storms in the Shreveport area have been more intense in recent years and are causing significant damage to the SWEPCO power grid. The operation of the lift stations is dependent on electrical service and do not currently have backup generators to keep the pumps running when the power grid is disrupted. This project will install emergency backup generator to keep the largest lift stations (Cedar Grove, Lucas Outfall, Wallace, Stoner, Querbes) in service in the event of a power outage.
Broadmoor Lines under Homes: $7,000,000
Decades ago in the Broadmoor community, homes along Ockley Drive, Albany Avenue, Atlantic Avenue, Anniston Avenue and Albert Avenue were installed over or adjacent to existing sanitary sewer lines and services. In many cases, several homes were installed over the same sewer service lines or service lateral. This has caused major sewer issues for more than 200 customers in this area as sewer lines and services are difficult to access and maintain. This project will install new sewer lines and provide the proper sewer service connections to homes in this area.
Southern Hills Interceptor Replacement: $25,000,000
Multiple sinkholes and sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) have occurred over recent years due to the condition of the aging infrastructure in this portion of the City. This project will replace approximately 5 miles of 40-year old large diameter concrete gravity sewer along Kingston Road near its intersection with Williamson Way, as well as other areas to the northeast towards Flournoy Lucas Road and northwest towards Bert Kouns Industrial Loop Replacement.
Stoner Force Main Replacement: $25,000,000
The City has repaired two (2) separate repairs on the Stoner Force Main in the last year that were due to the condition of the existing 36-inch diameter concrete force main that is approximately 45 years old. This project is the 2nd phase of a project that will continue the rehabilitation or replacement of approximately 4 miles of force main from 70th Street near the Jimmie Davis Bridge to the discharge location at the Lucas Wastewater Treatment Plant.
How Have the Needs Changed in the Water and Sewer Department?
Back in 2021, Shreveport voters were asked to approve more than $230 million dollars in improvements to the city's infrastructure. But all of the bond propositions were turned down, except the measure for police and fire improvements.
The total price tag for proposition 3 in 2021 for water and sewer was just under $65 million. Now it looks like this department has a much longer list of needs. But this package will likely pared back a bit by the Bond Study Committee and the City Council.
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