SFD Fights Early Morning Fire on Anderson Island
On Mat 12th, at 3:58a.m. Shreveport Firefighters were called to the scene of a house fire on the 1300 block of East Washington in the Anderson Island neighborhood. Once Firefighters were on the scene, and confirmed that the occupants escaped the structure unharmed they began working to put out the fire.
SFD reported that upon arriving to the call, there was heavy smoke billowing from the burning home. Firefighters were able to enter the house and extinguish the fire. The kitchen in the home sustained heavy damage from the blaze, and the rest of the home had heavy smoke damage.
It took the efforts of 18 Firefighters and 7 Fire Units to bring the situation under control. Battalion 1 placed the situation under control at 4:16 a.m. There were no injuries reported and Shreveport Fire Investigators were on scene to try and determine a cause and origin of the fire
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