Speed Cameras in Shreveport School Zones Are Working
Cameras in school zones all around Shreveport are working and drivers are slowing it down in the zones.
Shreveport police report speeding during school zone hours is down by as much as 90% in the areas where the cameras have been deployed.
The cameras are up and going in 20 school zones around the city and the installations continue each week.
Shreveport Police Issued This Statement About School Speeding
Research has shown that motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of child deaths in the United States, comprising about 20% of all deaths among children in 2016.
Cameras are in place near these schools:
Captain Shreve
Green Oaks
Caddo Magnet High School
Southern Hills Elementary
Creswell Elementary
Atkins Elementary
Cameras have recently been installed in the following school zones and warning tickets are going out until October 21:
Caddo Heights
Linwood Elementary
Caddo Career & Technology Center
Cameras Will Soon Be Up and Going in These Zones:
Calvary Baptist Academy
Summerfield Elementary
AMI Kids
Fairfield Elementary
Riverside Elementary
Claiborne Fundamental
Booker T Washington
But at least one local motorist who got a ticket in the mail is raising questions about these tickets. He sent KEEL News a picture of the ticket he got showing a photo of his truck that was captured by the cameras. He says the photo does not show who is driving the truck. He questions how the ticket will hold up in court if he decides to challenge it. The city gets a piece of the revenue and the private company that installed the cameras gets the rest.
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