School Will Start Earlier in Shreveport This Year
The school bell will ring much sooner in Shreveport this year. The Caddo Parish School Board has voted to change the schedule for the 2022-2023 school year.
This new plan was approved on a 7-3 vote with 1 abstention.
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This new calendar has elementary and middle school teachers returning on August 1st and students in grades Kindergarten-8th back in class beginning on August 3.
High School teachers will return to work on August 8th with the students getting back to the books on August 10th. This new calendar will also end the fall semester before the winter break.
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Which School Board Members Voted For the Change?
Steve Riall, Terrence Vinson, Bonita Douzart, Mary Trammel, Darrin Dixon, John Albritton, and Dottie Bell.
Which School Board Members Voted Against the Change?
Jasmine Green, Don Little, and Barry Rachal.
Tony Nations abstained from the vote.
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This time was added to the school calendar as a way to try to make some headway in making up for lost learning during the pandemic. The State Department of Education has recommended adding days to the school calendar, but the final decision has been left up to the local school boards.
Teachers have expressed concerns that they were left out of this decision making process. They will be paid for this extra time.
They have also expressed concerns about this late change, saying many teachers and students make plans to travel in August and this could disrupt some of those plans.
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