"Drive-by media" journalists are disconnected from reality, says Rush Limbaugh. They are not doers, yet they are experts on everything.

Says Limbaugh:

“There's an info babe at CNN by the name of Deb Feyerick.  And over the weekend… she was reporting on CNN about an approaching asteroid that will pass by the earth on February 15th… relatively close in astronomical terms. ...She actually asked her guests… if the approaching asteroid is an example of perhaps global warming.  I kid you not.”

The Dean of The Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies sounds an alarm from his lectern: this is an object learning lesson.  "She was dead serious.  …She thought she was asking an enlightened question.  … moments earlier…she segued from the Northeast blizzard … Bill Nye the Science Guy… pointing to global warming, (: she said): "Every time we see a storm like this lately, Bill, the first question to pop into a lot of people's mind is whether or not global warming is to blame."

What next came from the journalist’s changing of topics from the storm to the astrological event of the asteroid passing is the crux of the “object lesson.” All Seeing, All Knowing Maha Rushee reports the journalist: “…actually asked the science guy, "Is this an example of perhaps global warming?" 

In El Rushbo’s own words, Bill, The Science Guy, is flummoxed, as well might be other members of the Ditto Head Nation. Ever ready to enlighten, the Captain of the EIB explains just what the root cause of this journalistic faux pas might be:

 “Obviously she's a product of her education.  She's a product of her environment.  She is part of the media, the Democrat Party massive apparatus.  She lives in her cocooned world just like they all do, and they believe global warming is happening, and it's manmade.  Snerdley is shouting at me over the IFB, "Obviously she's an idiot."  It's more than that.  I mean, if she's an idiot, they're all idiots.”

Dean Rush provides supporting research for the observation by his colleague in the book AntiFragile authored by Nassim Taleb. The short review is that the book is about a different way of looking at things, from standard, ordinary media templates or the narrative to which everyone is subjected.

The author offers several points in support of some lack in the present members of the Fourth Estate: “Today [journalism] is becoming the refuge of disconnected cowards.”

Rush gives no quarter in his clarification of why this phenomenon exsists:

“ Here you have a bunch of people on the sidelines who've never done what they're reporting on…. They've never taken a risk. They've never started a business. They've never done any of these things, or very few of them have. They've done very few of the things they're reporting on, and yet they sit there and they pontificate as all-knowing. They're the experts.”

Rush’s object lesson points to a distressing conclusion that “Third Millennium Journalism” could be the harbinger of a distressing outcome:

“I don't want to make too big a deal out of this, but when I see a reporter actually seriously ask a "science guy" if global warming could explain a meteor getting close to the earth, I'll tell you what I think of.  Little kids in classrooms being told the same stuff and growing up thinking the same stuff.”

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