How to Make New Friends in Shreveport
Let's start this out by saying this is satire. Please don't take this for anything serious. I'm just having a little fun. If you are looking to make some new friends in Shreveport, I have an idea that worked for me.
I have a large crew of great friends. They are always there for me at a moments notice. Some I have known for many years and others are relatively new. But they are all awesome ladies and I love each one of them. I do have to say, I'm not sure they would all be available to chat or take my call at 3:30 in the morning. That's where my new search comes in. And my search is over.
I have found some new friends that I talk to every morning. For the past month, I have seen these new buddies every day on my drive to work. You might have heard me talking on the radio about these new friends. They are Hank, Tank, Frank and Cooper.
Who are these guys? Well to be honest they are junk I see on the side of I-20. Hank, Tank and Frank are planks of wood that are on the on-ramp to I-20 west at Spring/Market Street. Cooper is a tire that has been out there for at least 2 months.
As I pass by them every morning, I wave to them and tell them to have a nice day. There aren't too many other people out there to talk to at 4:30 in the morning, so it's nice to have my new buddies in my life.
My only question is "how long will my new buddies be there?" I know one day, someone will come by and clean up the ramp and my friends will be gone. But until that happens, I am embracing them and using them to help get my day started on a good foot.
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