Louisiana’s Sen. Kennedy Has a Solution for Biden’s Crisis at the Border
Louisiana Senator John Kennedy took aim at the Biden administration, blaming the President and his minions for purposely creating the crisis at the US border with Mexico.
Worst President Ever?
In an appearance with Fox News' Sean Hannity, the state's junior Senator didn't hold back in his criticism of the Chief Executive:
"I can’t think of a single presidential administration that has broken more plates in its first nine months than the Biden administration. I mean, think about it. You were talking about it earlier - Afghanistan, inflation, crime, critical race theory, gas prices, the destruction of America’s energy independence - and yet, of all of the president’s screw ups, there’s not a single one greater than the crisis at the border and it is a crisis."
Kennedy says that as many as two million illegal immigrants will cross the border before the end of 2021, putting an enormous strain on almost every facet of American life, most specifically the US budget and an already stretched-to-the-breaking-point healthcare system.
Is the border crisis purposely done?
Kennedy then tells Hannity that there are only two explanations for what many call a humanitarian disaster:
"The first is incompetence. It may be that the president has put in charge of his immigration policy a bunch of pink-haired ‘wokers’ who don’t know their ass from their elbow. It may be that the president’s put in charge of his immigration policy people who shouldn't be allowed to think for themselves because it’s too dangerous."
And then the Senator proffers the other possibility:
"Now, the second possibility is that this is all intentional that the president believes in an open border policy and you have to watch what people do, not what they say, and he doesn’t want to say it to the American people."
The latest numbers released by the US government's own Department of Homeland Security admits that during the month of August, they (temporarily) detained 208,887 entering this country. Though the Biden administration says many of the detainees are being returned to their countries of origin, sourced inside the DHS say most are being transported and "released into the U.S. interior."
And the solution?
"We know one thing, Kennedy says, "There's a solution. And the solution is go back to what we were doing in December before (Biden) took office. The Remain in Mexico Program, The Safe Third Country Agreements, the border wall and deportation. It worked the. It'll work now. "
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