LifeShare Blood Centers in Need of Type O Blood
LifeShare Blood Centers is reporting the local blood supply is running seriously low on type O blood, and it's asking donors to come forward and give. LifeShare spokeswoman Tina Martinez says it takes at least 24 hours after someone gives blood before it's available for use. And summer donors have been low. Now through the weekend is the perfect time to donate.
Things to remember before you make an appointment: you'll go through a mini-physical before the donation procedure. You have to be 16 or older, meet height and weight requirements, feel well and healthy at the time of donation, and eat a good meal and drink lots of fluids beforehand. For 16-year-olds, you'll need to have a parent present, or written guardian permission, to donate.
Visit www.lifeshare.org to find center hours, or to locate a mobile blood drive.