July 4th: America is Not the Rotten Place Many Democrats Says It Is
So, what is the main message being repeated by many Democrats and most in the mainstream media on this 4th of July? Basically, they're telling us the same thing that we hear from them the other 364 days of the year: America is a bad place. America was illegitimately founded. The American Revolution was about slavery. America is systemically racist and the only way to fix it is to tear it all down and start over.
And those are all lies.
Because, if you believe those things, you believe that every American who has donned a military uniform and fought for our freedoms, any man or woman who put their life on the line because they believed in democracy and freedom and that the American way of life is worth defending...is a sap.
And John McCarty was no sap.
John McCarty, father of KEEL's Erin McCarty was eighteen years old when he joined the Marine Corps in 1944 at the age of 18. Quickly, Pfc. McCarty, like so many young American men, was hustled through basic training and sent to war. In McCarty's case, the Pacific Theater.
There John joined thousands of others in what was referred to as "island hopping," retaking dozens of small Japanese controlled territories vicious and and costly battles. And then came Okinawa.
Okinawa was a small island that, at the time, was defended by upwards of 75,000 enemy soldiers. And in a battle that lasted more than 60 days, US forces took the last major island before Japan. And it's where John McCarty became a hero.
In a scene reminiscent of the movie "Forrest Gump," McCarty, only 19, repeatedly ran into enemy fire, rescuing as many as a dozen wounded Marines. And for for his bravery he was awarded the Bronze Star.
And today, many will say John McCarty was a sap. A fool. Sold a bill of goods. Risked his life and saved others for nothing.
And those are all lies.
John McCarty, just like Americans of that era, understood that our nation was founded on three principles: All men are created equal, we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights and just governments are based on the consent of the governed.
And he understood - and believed with every fiber of his being - that those ideals are worth defending. Even dying for.
So, on this 4th of July, when it seems so many have lost (or never had) a love of America, remember John McCarty. And remember that there are millions just like him in our country today. John McCarty believed that our country was, and is, "a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom loving people everywhere." Pfc. McCarty knew in his soul, as should we, that the United States of America may not be perfect, but we are the best.
Battle of Okinawa, April 1 to June 22, 1945
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