Is Bossier Council Pulling a ‘Power Play’?
Things got a little testy before the Bossier City Council when a contract renewal came up for Manchac Consulting Group. The current contract expires at the end of May. Manchac runs the city’s water department and construction projects. Mayor Lo Walker has proposed extending this contract for 3 years. There was also a suggestion to renew this contract for only one year to give Tommy Chandler time to get in office and get up to speed on the dealings of this company. Mayor Walker says Manchac has saved the city money and this is in the best interest of the city of Bossier. Councilman Jeff Darby raised questions about tying the hands of the incoming administration. He had questions about going out for RFP’s for other companies who might be interested in doing business with the city. Darby supports a one year extension. 2 weeks ago the council was looking at a five year extension. Mayor-Elect Tommy Chandler urged the Council not to enter a 3 year extension. Chandler says all of the termination clauses in the contract have been removed and that concerns him. Chandler says those termination clauses have been in the contract in the past. Shane Cheatham who will be the city’s new CAO says this is a power play and is not in the best interest of the taxpayers. A final vote on the 3 year extension is scheduled for the next council meeting.