Shreveport School Banning Hoodies and Crocs
A Shreveport Middle School is making a dress code change with the school year that begins in August.
KEEL News has learned Youree Drive Middle School will be banning students from wearing hoodies and Crocs on the campus. We asked school leaders why this change is being made and got the following response:
All dress codes are managed and enforced at the school level. Each school annually reviews its dress code and determines if adjustments are warranted for the coming year. School administration at Youree Drive Middle School made the decision in preparing for the next school year to no longer permit hoodies or slip-on shoes including Crocs as an allowable part of the school uniform. Both decisions were made out of safety concerns by a committee of parents and teachers of the school.
School leaders also sent us more information about hoodies: "The ban on hoodies has been used with other school administrations and implemented as a district-wide policy with neighboring school systems."
What Is the Problem With Crocs?
The committee found there were too many incidents of students being hurt because they did not have on proper footwear and that is why this change was made.
Teachers say students often use the hoodies to conceal ear buds while they attempt to listen to music in class. Others say the students stash cell phones in the pockets of the hoodies and play on their phones while in class. This can be a distraction for the entire class if too many students are on their cell phones while teaching is happening.
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