Free App Developed in Louisiana Sweeping the State
A free app developed in Lake Charles is sweeping through Louisiana and with as cold out as it is today, I wish the service was already here in Shreveport!
The app is called Waitr, without an 'e,' and it delivers food from local restaurants that normally wouldn't bring food to your door. The app is a free download that launched in southwest Louisiana last year. I'm seriously bummed that they don't have any participating restaurants in our area yet, but seriously, for a $5 delivery fee, I'd never pack my lunch again!
According to Louisiana Radio Network, service will be in our area soon:
Waitr is available in Lake Charles, Lafayette and Baton Rouge, and Meaux says they hope to be on board in New Orleans, Alexandria, Shreveport and Monroe before the end of the year. It's also available in the Houston market.
I remember hearing rumors of a service that delivered Taco Bell back in my college days and thinking it was about as cool is it got... Heck, after a night out, I would've paid a lot more for Taco Bell delivery at that time in my life!