Caddo Sheriff To Offer Spring Break CSI Camp
Do you have a budding detective in your house? You know the kid...they explain everything that happened in vivid detail, describing clues, giving a timeline, and summing up with the conclusion that it was, in fact, the dog that ate all the cookies and not them.
If your child would like to hone those investigative skills, Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator has a unique, free class just for them.
In a press release sent out by the CPSO, it states:
Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator announced that the Caddo Sheriff’s Office will host a Crime Scene Investigations Camp for 11 and 12 year olds during Spring Break.
The class will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 29-30 at Sheriff's Safety Town, 8910 Jewella Avenue.
Participants will learn how to detect clues and apply CSI techniques at a mock crime scene. Campers will collect evidence, take crime scene photographs, make shoe impressions, and learn to lift and analyze fingerprints. At the end of the camp, they will be asked to analyze the clues and solve a crime!
The class is free to Caddo Parish residents, but seating is limited to the first 20 participants, and pre-registration by telephone is required. Campers must provide their own lunch.
To register, contact Community Programs at 681-0875.
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