Caddo Parish Burn Ban Lifted
The Caddo Fire Chiefs Association has lifted the burn ban for all of Caddo Parish. The National Weather Service Office in Shreveport has reported nearly two inches of rain over the last two months with another round expected next Wednesday and next weekend.
However, Caddo Parish is currently under a Lake Wind Advisory with winds anywhere from 15-20 mph and gusts up to 30mph in some areas, so fire officials warn citizens to use caution.
“We are lifting the burn ban because we have had a good bit of rain” said Dan Cotten, Fire Chief for Caddo Fire District #1. “It is still fairly dry, but the rain, cooler temperatures and the morning dews have helped conditions a little. We do want to caution our citizens not to burn when the wind is high.”
Residents of Caddo Parish need to call their local fire department and obtain a burn permit number before any controlled outdoor burning. This permit number allows fire officials to track controlled burns if they become out of hand.
Fire officials also caution residents to keep their controlled burns away from structures, such as storage sheds, homes, etc., always keep a water source close, and, as always, call 911 if you suspect a controlled burn gets out of control.