Black Minister Says Gatti Blackface Pic ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ [VIDEO]
Reverend Doyle Adams is the Pastor at Elizabeth Baptist Church of Benton. The Reverend has known candidate for the State Legislature Robbie Gatti for some time, and, despite the recently released photo of Gatti in blackface, Adams is standing up for his friend, saying he's no racist.
It's "much ado about nothing", Adams told 101.7 / 710 KEEL in reference to the fifteen-year-old photo of Gatti, dressed as Tiger Woods, adding, "It's kind of silly to make a big deal about that." Adams also confirmed that the candidate did attend services at his church this past Sunday.
To see Robert and Erin's video interview with Robbie Gatti, JUST CLICK HERE!
To see the Gatti photo that's causing all the controversy, JUST CLICK HERE!