
Man Mistakes Dog Treats as Tasty Snack for 20 Years
Man Mistakes Dog Treats as Tasty Snack for 20 Years
Man Mistakes Dog Treats as Tasty Snack for 20 Years
We have all heard the old saying, “You are what you eat.” If this is true, one man is a big ol’ bag of gas station dog treats. The delivery driver is going viral after discovering that he has been nibbling on dog treats every day for 20 years.
Republicans Damaged by Hurricane Isaac as Obama Takes On Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’
Republicans Damaged by Hurricane Isaac as Obama Takes On Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’
Republicans Damaged by Hurricane Isaac as Obama Takes On Reddit’s ‘Ask Me Anything’
Hurricane Isaac is getting so much media attention it seems unlikely that anyone is watching this week's televised Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. To make matters worse for Republicans, President Obama visited social media site Reddit today where he was answered questions live.