LOUISIANA - A daring rescue off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico by the Coast Guard. Two men were rushed to the hospital by helicopter and Coast Guard crews are continuing the search for another man missing.


What Happened in the Gulf?

The Coast Guard station in New Orleans got a report from the boat Linedout that they were taking on water with two people onboard and a third man had fallen overboard.

An urgent message was sent out and a Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew and a Station Grand Isle 45-foot Response Boat crew rushed to the scene to try to save the men. The lift boat Gloria responded to the urgent and took the two injured men aboard their boat.

attachment-Rescue 3

The Coast Guard Reports:

Other crews arriving on the scene began searching the Gulf of Mexico for the third man. After no visual reports, the aircrew hoisted the two men aboard the helicopter from the Gloria and transported them to awaiting emergency medical services personnel at the University Medical Center, New Orleans.

The men rescued are reported conscious and responsive.


Watch the Amazing Rescue:

The Coast Guard Sends a Huge Thanks to the Brave Crew

ASTC Graham McGinnis
AMT1 Kyle King
LT Travis Rhea
CDR PJ Johansen

The search will continue today with a Coast Guard Air Station New Orleans MH-60 Jayhawk aircrew, an Aviation Training Center Mobile HC-144 aircrew and the Coast Guard Cutter Tigershark.

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