It’s Spooky Season! What Dumb, Random Thing Scares Your Pets?

With Halloween upon us with all of the thrills and scares that come along with it, we want to know what dumb, random things scare your pets. You know, other than those goofy costumes you make them wear.
I'm not going to lie, my furbabies are family. I'm pretty sure they don't know they're not human. Except for the cat. My cat thinks she's a dog, but that's a subject for another day. But with Halloween right around the corner and everyone trying to scare themselves silly, I thought it would be cute to ask what things scare your pets and we had some great answers this morning on air and a ton of hilarious responses via social media. Here are a few of the most random. Remember, no judgment. Our pets may be insane and a little neurotic, but we love them!
Elizabeth Herriage
Simba (cat) acts like he wants to taste my caramel apple suckers (don’t judge me lol) but when I act like I’ll let him and hold it close, he starts screaming & hissing at it and runs (still hissing) out of the room. ♀️
Tracy Agostini
Anything out of place. Something set on a counter that doesn’t belong, a pillow off the couch and on the floor, the vacuum if it’s not in the closet where it belongs, etc. Just like me… kids say I’ve ruined our animals with my OCD ♀️
Shannon Douglas
My cats freak out when they hear my ice maker. They run like scaredy-cats and slide across my wood floors trying to get away.
Charli Gentry
My phone has lots of notification sounds but I can't change the ding when someone likes my chat message or hearts it or thumbs it. My Shih Tzu sleeps thru storms and fireworks but nuts up and leaves the room at the DING.
Leigh Santoro
Kayce is terrified of the trash truck.
Kristy Nix
My large Raggedy Ann doll that my Aunt handmade for me a long time ago… Popcorn is convinced that she is Annabelle coming to steal his soul.
Dakota Lawrence
Chunky is deathly afraid of Freddy Krueger and the Freddy glove I’ve got.
Tara Burch
My parrot is afraid of brown towels and only brown towels (yes- he can see colors- he doesn’t care about the other colors). ♀️
Sandra Moore
Freckles, my cocker spaniel hates the paper shredder. He tries to rescue the paper as the shredder eats it.
Diana DeeDee Lynn Jenkins
Our German Shepard Karma freaks out if I grab a garbage bag. It's insane.
Amanda Weide
At first, for our girl Skye, it was rabbits. Yes, a 100 lb dog was afraid of a tiny bunny. Now for Skye and Nova, it’s chickens. My 3 boys, Peanut, Boss & Rocky. They are only afraid of me.
Stephanie Hays
Literally everything. Obi scares himself with his own tail if it hits something (like a piece of furniture that's been there his whole life). He's pitiful.
Deborah Kelly Cone
Roxy hates a hair dryer.
Gretchen Pierce
The freaking mop... like really?
Meagan Rougeou Henry
Running water. My black lab thinks someone is about to murder her if she’s anywhere close to it.
Dawn Ponder Godfrey
Laundry basket and he’s a Rottweiler
Patrick Gallagher
Our husky hates fart noises.
Beka G Wright
Pulling tape from a tape dispenser♀️. I’ve had my 10yo pound puppy since she was 9months old…. No idea who beat her with tape, but the girl is still terrified of that mean ole scotch tape lol
Robert J Wright
Suitcases. They knew I was leaving and they might not get to come along.
Cori Harrington
We had a Pittie that was terrified of milk jugs
Bubba Toney
Lola freaks out and attacks the T.V. when any animal is on
Marjorie Kay Morrow
Our enormous chocolate lab is afraid of watermelons!!!!
Linda Smith
Sunni is afraid of any bowls her water is in... ordeal to get her to drink water... afraid of some windows... flyswatters are a real fear for her... she does not like to go into the kitchen because of the sounds the refrigerator makes... the drain in the bathtub... my list could go on and on... love my special needs girl... and storms are the worst...
Kathleen Tingler
Stella my cat is terrified of grocery bags if you shake them lol
Is your pet scared of something strange? We want to hear from you! Shoot me an email at erin.bristol@townsquaremedia.com or send me a 'chat' through our free app!
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