Team RWB Shreveport Bossier Readies For Second Annual 9/11 Moving Tribute
Team RWB (Red, White and Blue) Shreveport-Bossier will be hosting its 2nd Annual 9/11 Moving Tribute on September 11, 2014 from Sunrise (6:15am) to Sunset (7:30 pm).
Flags will be kept moving by runners, walkers or cyclists all day in remembrance of 9/11. This free community event will be held at Veterans Memorial Park on Clyde Fant Memorial Parkway in Shreveport.
Team Red, White & Blue’s goal is to transform the way America supports its veterans by bringing veterans, their families, and American citizens together through authentic social interaction and shared experiences in communities all over America.
The goal for the 9/11 Moving Tribute is to keep a Flag moving along Clyde Fant Parkway from Sunrise to Sunset on 9/11/2014. Volunteers will stand united with the community to honor families, friends, first responders, veterans and all those affected by 9-11.
One flag will be kept moving the entire day passed from one person/group to the next at the Veterans Park base for the day. Over the course of the day, there will be many flags and many people moving in tribute over three different routes from the park.
Everyone is welcome to run, walk, roll (bike, wheelchair, handcycle, or stroller). Life Air Rescue is scheduled to attend from 5-6pm.
To volunteer, please contact Brandi Patchen, Community Outreach Director Team RWB Shreveport-Bossier for additional information.