Shreveport’s New Juvenile Curfew is Active at Midnight
Starting at midnight, October 22nd, Shreveport's new juvenile curfew will take effect.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with this curfew. If it will help keep our children safe and off the streets, then I am 100% all for it. Back in September, The Caddo Commission decided to propose the new juvenile curfew in an effort to combat juvenile violence in our area.
Now, roughly one month later, the juvenile curfew will be inaction, which means we need to try our best to help get the word out to not only juveniles, but also parents, as they will be the ones financially punished if their child breaks the new curfew.
The new curfew is not an extreme as I thought it would be, especially on the weekends. For weekends, the curfew is now going to be midnight - 5 AM. On weekdays, the curfew will be 10 PM - 5 AM.
After the legislation passed, Shreveport added the amendment to make sure the curfew also applies to 17-year-olds in our area. Failure to abide by the new curfew rules in Shreveport can lead to a parent being fined up to $500 or time behind bars.
Here are the details of Shreveport's new curfew ordinance:
- It shall be unlawful for any juvenile to remain in or upon any public property in the city during the curfew hours
- It shall be unlawful for any juvenile to remain in or upon the premises of a public business in the city during the curfew hours
- It shall be unlawful for a parent knowingly to permit or, by neglect, fail to exercise reasonable control, allow his juvenile child to be in or upon any public property or in or upon the premises of a public business within the city during the curfew hours
- It shall be unlawful for any owner, operator, or employee of a public business to knowingly allow a juvenile to remain in or upon the premises of such public business within the city during curfew hours
There are several exceptions:
- When a juvenile is accompanied by a parent or other adult person authorized by a parent
- When authorized by a parent, the juvenile is attending a function or activity sponsored by an educational, religious, or nonprofit organization that requires the juvenile to be in a public place or public business at an hour later than that authorized in the ordinance
- When the juvenile is on an errand or specific business, or activity directed or permitted by his parent or other adult authorized by a parent or where the juvenile is acting within the scope of legitimate employment or returning home from the errand, activity or employment without any detour or stop
- When the juvenile is involved in an emergency
- When the owner of a public business is the sponsor or co-sponsor of an activity which requires or permits the juvenile to remain overnight on the premises of such business when authorized by a parent
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