Shreveport Little League Suspended Over COVID-19
More and more local events are being postponed, canceled, or rescheduled over the COVID-19, or Coronavirus, outbreak. The latest of those is Shreveport Little League.
Shreveport Little League President Beau Raines sent out a statement late last night announcing the suspension of games and activities, starting today. Here is part of the statement:
"Unfortunately we're sending this to inform you that all Shreveport Little League activities are suspended as of March 13, 2020 until at least April 6, 2020. Considering there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Caddo Parish, and in accordance with Little League International recommendations that were issued this afternoon, this is a very difficult decision that has to be made. We will continue to monitor the situation and follow recommendations from LLI and local and state health officials.
Suspending all activities means there is to be no individual or team practices at the ballpark. The park will be closed except to personnel there to maintain the facilities. Reaction to this has been extremely aggressive and we will continue to keep you informed as the situation changes."