Ricky Williams Opens Up About Encounter With Tyler Police
Earlier this month, former Heisman Winner and NFL Running Back, Ricky Williams was stopped and frisked by Police in Tyler, Texas. The ex-NFL star was stopped after Police received a call about a young black man who was wandering through yards and allegedly stole a tape measure.
Some are saying Police went too far because they detained and searched him without consent or telling him why he was stopped.
During an interview yesterday on the 'Tomorrow Show with Kevin Undergaro', Williams opened up about the experience and suggested he received better treatment than the average black man because he was famous.
"I'm a quirky person ... and it's kinda dangerous to be black and quirky unless you're famous. Then you can get away with it."
Williams went onto say he now realizes why certain people feel alienated and why interactions between citizens and police can go wrong. "If people make you feel like a criminal, it can go sour pretty quickly," said Williams. He also said he was angry about the situation and didn't understand why he was treated the way he was treated.
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