Put Your Crawfish Where Your Mouth Is! Just How Louisiana Are You?
Do you like your tea sweet? Do you cut a rug at the sound of Zydeco music? If so, you just might be a Louisianan. It is one thing to be a southerner, it is a completely different thing to be from Louisiana. We have our own style. There is no denying that we step to a different beat, and that beat is usually in a second line in New Orleans.
We want to know just how Louisiana are you. Answer the Never Ever Louisiana Style Quiz below. It works just the same as the standard Never Ever game. Select "Never" if you have never done the Louisiana activity shown and select "I Have" if you have. It is that easy. If you want to make things interesting you can make this a drinking game. Take a sip of your favorite sweet tea (were you expecting something different) each time you have done something. Go ahead and take the quiz to find out if you are a true Louisianan or a Yankee impostor.