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Before he even took office, Joe Biden ran on devastating the fossil fuels industry.  That's one promise he's followed up on.  From forcing EV's upon the American people who clearly don't want them, to making gas stoves illegal, this administration is hell-bent on destroying your personal rights.   All in the name of climate change.

If you've been thinking about getting a new fridge for your cold brews, or a new freezer for those pop-sicles this summer, you might better get it now before this new insanity kicks in.  Because now, the feds are going after your refrigerators and freezers.



According to a recent  press release from the Department of Energy:

In this direct final rule, the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) is adopting
amended energy conservation standards for refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and freezers.


States like California and New York are already very aggressive when it comes to "going green" or being "environmentally protective," but this latest directive from the federal level is now going after non-gas appliances.

Within the next five years, the cheaper models of various appliances will be off the market. Fox News Reports:

...the updated standards, which will take less efficient but cheaper models off the market, will in 30 years remove the amount of emissions generated by the combined annual emissions of 12.7 million homes.


It's fortunate that Louisiana is more in line now with states like Texas and Florida, with a conservative governor and legislators that, hopefully, won't capitulate to these absurd new federal "standards."

What Louisiana Cities Got the Most ARP Money from the Feds?

Millions of dollars flowed into cities across the nation in American Rescue Plan funds. Here's the list of the biggest government recipients in Louisiana.

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