It's supposed to be a break for Mom. A day when she can relax and let us attempt to be all the things to her that she is to us. One of the ways many of us will try to show Mom how special she is on Sunday, Mother's Day, is to treat her to a nice meal. If you don't plan ahead you could be treating her to a very long wait in a very long line.

Mother's Day is the largest dining out day of the year. Erica Burns with the Louisiana Restaurant Association told the Louisiana Radio Network that husbands, sons, and daughters would be advised to plan ahead and take action today.

During the day, probably that brunch day part, leading into lunch and a lot of people to beat the rush during the day will make reservations at night.

Many restaurants around the area will be featuring special offers just for Sunday. So snoop around and see what's the best deal for your Mom on her day. But where ever you go, just plan on it being a little busy.

35% of Americans plan to dine out on Mother’s Day.

Says Burns , another thing to consider is the size of your dining party. Since Mom will want the whole family to be there you might need a larger than normal table. That could take extra time for your chosen restaurant to accommodate.

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