Louisiana Legislature Takes COVID-19 Recess
While the rest of the country, and state, continue to adjust due to the COVID-19, or coronavirus, outbreak, the Louisiana Legislature has adjourned their 2020 regular session.
The session will be on break until March 31st at the earliest.
House of Representatives Speaker of the House Clay Schexnayder and Senate President Page Cortez met with doctors and state officials today before making the call. Cortez told WDSU:
"The public health crisis at hand has placed the legislature in uncharted waters. With every decision we make, we are balancing the health and welfare of our citizens, staff, and legislators with our constitutional responsibilities. At this time, we believe it is in the best interest of our state to temporarily adjourn the session.”
This is one of many extraordinary moves being made the State of Louisiana in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Those moves include closing casinos, schools, bars, restaurants, and movie theaters.