How Can Shreveport-Bossier Help The Victims Of The West, TX, Fertilizer Plant Explosion?
The huge explosion at a West, Texas, fertilizer plant has residents in Shreveport-Bossier City and the greater Ark-La-Tex asking how they can help affected residents.
LifeShare Blood Centers opened both their Shreveport and Bossier City locations early to collect donations. Director of Communications and Public Relations at LifeShare Tina Hooper says they are in need of O- and A- blood donations.
They will also be having a blood drive at BHP Billiton at the corner of Preston and Knight at around lunchtime.
She says in crises like the one outside of Waco, Texas, LifeShare helps supply the local blood supplier with additional blood since it is the neighbor supplier to the Carter Blood Center. When Carter runs low, they turn to LifeShare for supplies.
“Through a network of blood centers throughout the United States, when a blood supply depletes to an unsafe level, surrounding blood centers work to provide blood to that area. Being a neighboring blood center to the area affected by the explosion, we are acting quickly to increase the local inventory. This allows us to help replenish the blood supply in the Texas area, as needed, while keeping the blood supply in our immediate area at a safe level,” says Tina Hooper, spokeswoman for LifeShare Blood Centers in a statement.
One of the easiest things to do is to donate blood. A couple of ways:
You can also donate money or time:
And if your company or organization is working to help the victims of the plant explosion, send an email to news@710keel.com and we will add you to our list.
During national tragedies, Shreveport-Bossier residents are quick to help our neighbors across the country. Thank you for you support.
Location of afternoon LifeShare Blood Drive:
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