I had the pleasure, Saturday afternoon, of once again emceeing the Cross Lake Floatilla.  Hosted by American Legion Post #14, this 21st annual event  drew hundreds of people and scores of watercraft to beautiful Cross Lake.  They were entertained all afternoon by The Roscoes, before they went home and cleaned up to play for our Little Black Dress Party that evening.

Generally, when most people think about the Floatilla, they think about boats.  But, this year, there was everything from a canoe to a house boat.  And then my friends, Randy and Cindy Pruitt, showed up with a 60s vintage Amphicar.  WOW!  What a shock.  I haven't seen one of those things in years, let alone seen one of them in the water.  But there it was -- bright red and looking like it just rolled off the German assembly line.  If you'd like to know more about the Amphicar, go here.

Here's a shot of the car before Cindy drove it into the lake:


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