Check Out Crawfish Prices in Shreveport Bossier
More places around town are getting crawfish as the temps warm up a little bit. But you will find mudbugs pretty small and kind of pricey as we begin the season.
Since we are at the beginning of the 2021 season, you can expect the prices to be high for at least a month.
One note about getting your crawfish. Be sure you call ahead to make sure they still have a supply. Some of the spots are selling out quickly.
Just about every spot that is selling boiled crawfish already is selling them for somewhere between 8 and 9 dollars a pound. Only a few spots have live crawfish and Larry P's has the best price for live mudbugs at $5.00 a pound. Farmer's Seafood tells us they do not have any crawfish right now, but are hoping to get some in the next few days.
It's funny, but when we checked the prices for this same date a year ago, boiled crawfish were selling for $7.99 a pound and a couple of spots were selling live crustaceans for $5.00 a pound, so not much has changed from year to year.
Crawfish Prices Shreveport-Bossier
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