If you've ever played slot machines at a casino, you know there's a certain level of excitement when the game does anything extra. Because today's modern slot machines aren't like your classic "pull the lever and watch three wheels spin" type machines. They're giant video games that cost money to play, and occasionally give you some back.

So when one of these machines kicks into an "extra" mode of any kind, your heart rate starts to go up a little bit. Sometimes its just the screen expanding to give you more chances to win, other times is "free games" that they give you. There are new animations, video cut scenes, and sounds that go along with all of these. Often, it means you've just won something.

In very few occasions, it could mean you're in the process of hitting a jackpot. Which could be of various different levels. These machines usually have smaller jackpots, medium ones, and massive jackpots. When one of these triggers, the graphics of the game go wild, and it often makes loud sounds with flashing lights. This will often alert other players who will come pay attention to the big win.

This is exactly what happened to Roney Beal when she was playing in a Bally's Casino. She hit a jackpot that showed it was worth $1.2 million on the game's screen. Other players swarmed her and started celebrating, but when casino staff came over, they told her that she didn't win anything, and the machine had "malfunctioned".

The event happened at the Bally's property in Atlantic City, New Jersey, where WPVI-TV reports a casino worker told Beal "Lady, get it in your head, you won nothing". They also report that a casino attendant opened the machine and instructed her to "roll it off", or hit the button to take the win off the screen. The attendant pressed buttons inside the machine, and ended up offering Beal a few hundred dollars.

Beal has now hired an attorney, who is asking New Jersey Gaming Enforcement to step in.

But this is not the first time this has happened. In fact, another Wheel of Fortune slot machine had this exact scenario take place in New Orleans. In Louisiana, Jacques Bezou had to take Harrah Casino and the machine's maker to court on behalf of his client. Where a jury, and then an appeals court judge, sided with the player and awarded the player their $1.3 million jackpot.

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