Check Your Mail Because the IRS May Still Owe You MoneyCheck Your Mail Because the IRS May Still Owe You MoneyYou may have received a letter recently from the IRS. Don't just chuck it into the trash, read it, because you could be entitled to some extra money.Jude WalkerJude Walker
How You Make Sure You Get Your Tax Return Faster in ShreveportHow You Make Sure You Get Your Tax Return Faster in ShreveportHow do you make sure that you're not waiting on a tax refund as most of Shreveport-Bossier will be?Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
Scary IRS Shortage, Should Shreveport Worry This Tax Season?Scary IRS Shortage, Should Shreveport Worry This Tax Season?Will Shreveport Be at the Mercy of a Bogged-down IRS This Tax Season? Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
Federal and Louisiana State Income Tax Filings Begin Feb. 12Federal and Louisiana State Income Tax Filings Begin Feb. 12If you are expecting to get money back after filing your taxes this year from Uncle Sam and/or the state of Louisiana, then you might want to get on over to your tax preparer's now.Jude WalkerJude Walker