Members of two Louisiana Senate Committee issued report detailing their concerns about the proposed sale of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana to Elevance.
Doctor John Fleming gives his thoughts on the first Presidential debate, and the most recent Senate race poll, which has him in a statistical tie for first.
Fleming explains the latest in the House investigation into the IRS abuse of conservative groups and then possible impeachment of IRS boss John Koskinen.
Bossier is the second parish executive committee to endorse Rep. Fleming this week. The Congressman also has earned the backing of the Rapides committee..
Dr. John Fleming joined Robert and Erin Tuesday morning to give his impressions of the Democratic Convention and his chances in this fall's Senate race.
Thursday's attack on eleven Dallas police officers has the entire country on edge. As we all try to find calm in our hearts after the senseless death of five officers, local, state, and national leaders are speaking out.