State Rep. Dodie Horton from Haughton talks about the chances that Dems and the GOP members can come to an agreement to solve the state's budget shortfall.
State Representatives Alan Seabaugh and Dodie Horton will vote no on any tax increases that come up during the current special session of the state legislature.
The Haughton rep says that, in her opinion, Edwards has "a low opinion of us (lawmakers), and it's not just Republicans, but anyone who can read (his budget)."
The Haughton rep is the first elected official to take advantage of the service, which she says, " will give me a direct link with the voters in my district."
Horton tells how the proposed changes are wrapped up into ten different bills and after wrestling with her decision, she decided to vote against the measures.
The Haughton legislator says although she'll vote no, a bill she considered to have no chance a month ago, now may, indeed, be moving on to the House floor.
Lawmakers are weighing the merits of the Governor John Bel Edwards' call for a 23 cent a gallon gas tax increase and numerous other revenue increasing proposals.
Bossier Sheriff's Office Lt. Davis explains what is meant by the term "fake gun", why so many students have them and how keeping this law will prevent tragedy.