Here Are The 2020 Ark-La-Tex Christmas EventsHere Are The 2020 Ark-La-Tex Christmas EventsNot all the regular events are happening, and the ones that are might be a little different for 2020. Erin McCartyErin McCartyGreg AtomsGreg Atoms
Benton Christmas Parade Draws Huge CrowdBenton Christmas Parade Draws Huge CrowdBenton Louisiana was the place to be on Saturday for the annual Christmas on the Square Festival and parade. A huge crowd showed up for this special holiday event.Erin McCartyErin McCarty
Uncertain, Texas Prepares For Unique Christmas ParadeUncertain, Texas Prepares For Unique Christmas ParadeComing up later this month you might want to make the short drive to Uncertain, Texas for the Annual Floating Christmas Parade.Erin McCartyErin McCarty